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Want to be published in Calliope?

Anyone can be featured, from any school!

Submit your work before October 19, 2024 at 11:59 pm for Volume 4.

Submission content includes but is not limited to:

  • Articles/essays ​

  • Poems 

  • Translations (with commentary)

  • Photos/artwork (with captions)

  • Meditations

  • Recipes ​

  • Commentaries 

  • Opinion pieces

  • Book/article reviews 

  • Greek, Latin, or Sanskrit prose

See style guidelines

All submissions must me formatted in a Google document with:

  • 12 pt font, Times New Roman

  • Chicago citations​, footnotes or endnotes

  • All block quotes in foreign languages must be followed by English translations

Please consult The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) for further details.

Contact for any inquiries on submission content or formatting.

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